China Solar Eclipse
"Saros 126"
38 km NE of Santanghu, China [ Aug 1, 2008 ]
Many THANKS to people assisting me in my eclipse expedition:
- Lin Lan (Hangzhou high school. Zhe Jiang)
for help in observation site permit, trip logistics
 - Michael Dong (Booking Agent/Chinacits)
advice on Hotel, Train, etc.
- Yeyinan (Skateboard Shopowner in Hami)
taking me on his motorbike (& car) to get supplies, use of office Internet for eclipse-video upload, etc.
- Dr. Glenn Schneider (Univ of Arizona/Steward Observatory, Umbraphile)
eclipse-photography & eclipse-travel
- Peter (masters degree in Law, of Balikun)
advice & logisitics for Balikun/Santanghu, accomadations at his family home (mom/dad) on July 31, etc.
- Daniel Fischer (Science Writer/The Cosmic Mirror)
extensive email discussions about China logistics & in-China Collaboration/Cooperation/Communication
- Dr. Serge Koutchmy (Director of Research at the Institute of Astrophysics of Paris (IAP, CNRS)
for Novosibirsk/Russia pre-eclipse scouting report
- Jook Leung/360VR (professional panorama photographer)
stitching of eclipse panoramas
- Jay Anderson (meterologist for NASA Eclipse Bulletin)
weather-prediction for TSE 2008
- Jennifer (Travel Agent/Ocean Travel)
advice on Beijing hotel, China train schedules, etc